27 Sep

Here are some inventive and natural ways of handling bug problems.

Wasp nests or places where they are gathering to form a nest, mix 1 part eucalyptus oil, 1 part menthol, 1 part citronella oil in teak oil, and wash the area down.

For ants in the house try the cumin or chili powder, or use chalk (school board chalk) and draw a line around the area they are coming from. They don’t seem to be able to cross the line. Baby Talc powder can also be used to cover the scent trail they leave for other ants to follow. A sponge with washing up liquid can also be placed over the ant’s point of entry to the house.

For anthills, pour boiling water down them, or sprinkle some chili powder or cumin down the hole.

For the garden, pests sponge a mixture of one part vinegar with 1/4 part cumin or chili powder on or near things they are trying to eat. This concoction can also be dabbed around windows and door frames to keep pests outside.

Boric acid is another alternative. Bought at any home store, it can be sprinkled around the house perimeter. Also kills roaches, so leave them a small snack in the back of the cupboard with this special seasoning!

Diatomaceous Earth, a chalk powder-like substance (finely ground fossilized shells of minuscule organisms called diatoms). Also, sprinkle around the perimeters. It kills roaches and other insects. Hire cbd pest control Adelaide for Bed Bug Control Adelaide.

As for the most dreaded of all, the roach the first step in preventing them is to keep extremely clean. Seal food in closed containers, leave an empty sink and covered garbage can at night. Also, seal up places of entry into the house, and plug up your sinks and baths at night. Roaches need very little to survive, a few crumbs is enough, so sweep up!

To kill the buggers, mix equal parts of sugar and baking soda, they eat it up and then get gas from the soda, and die. Try leaving bay leaves around. Also, roaches breathe through their skin so a sprinkle of soapy water will clog them up and they will suffocate, hence the earlier suggestion of soapy sponges. If you want to know Tips For Choosing The Right Pest Control Company then read our blog.

Plant nasturtiums in your garden, they attract insects and will keep them out of the house.

Always remember the natural order of things can handle itself when left alone: birds eat bugs in a garden, and the occasional harmless spider or Gecko in the house will also take care of smaller bugs.

You really can get by with a minimum of poisons insect sprays, and it is better for you and your family as well as the environment. Before using any natural pest control method consult with a  Pest Control Adelaide.

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